Selasa, 03 Mei 2011

In My Heart

Currently ..
You are the one - only in my heart ..
I want to build this life with you ..
You're very close in my heart ..

I always try to take care of you for always there in my heart space, I want you close to me ..  

Not only close, But together with me .. 

But sometimes I like not knowing you ..

My dear, do not you spend patience ..  

Do you forced me to linger on the edge of my emotions lines ..

My dear, I hope you understand ..

2 komentar:

  1. buat siapa nich?

  2. bagikanlah hal2 yg indah pd org lain,jgn mengeluhkan sesuatu pd org lain.
    Tdk ada teman yg benar2 pdli pd kita pd saat kt susah,krn mrka hanya mau pd saat kt senang.


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